Play on!
Play and Park Structures encourages movement with a focus on balance, coordination and climbing to maximize the physical potential of each child. Play is an essential part of child development and physical activity is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle... Play and Park Structures provides both within a fun, stimulating environment.

Healthy Exercise... disguised as fun!
The purpose of Play On! is to promote physical fitness and fun through the use of well-designed outdoor play environments and creative playground learning activities. The 125 standards-based playground activities combined with playgrounds aligned to six key elements of play, promote overall fitness and are highly effective tools for maximizing one of your community’s greatest assets - Playgrounds! PlayCore is proud to partner with physical activity experts SHAPE America to provide a valid solution to creating healthy bodies through active play.
Play On! helps educators and programmers maximize playgrounds
to promote physical activity, develop wellness habits, and meet national standards for physical fitness - all in the context of fun. We want to develop healthy habits in America’s youth because we know the most reliable way to become a healthy adult is to be an active and healthy child. We hope this ground breaking play curriculum will play a key role in helping you strengthen and educate today’s children.
Request the PlayOn! Executive Summary below.