Me2 Design Program
Inclusive Design
The principles explained in the Me2 Design Guidebook ensure that children have access to opportunities to be smart, included, safe, independent, active, comfortable, and experience fair and equitable play. Play & Park Structures is dedicated to inclusive play environments where everyone can be part of the fun. Developed in partnership with PlayCore and Utah State University included and stimulated in their play space.

Did you know?
Out of 1,000 children between the ages of 3 and 21, approximately 85 will have disabilities, and only one will have a physical disability. The remaining 84 children will have cognitive (41.5), communication (17), social/emotional (11), chronic health impairment (11), multiple disabilities (2), and sensory disabilities (1.5). Designing a play environment that intentionally addresses the sensory, cognitive, physical, social-emotional, and sensory needs of all children, provides an embracing recreation space where people of all abilities can play together.
The purpose of PlayCore’s unique inclusive play programs is to provide educational resources for communities that wish to move playgrounds beyond minimum accessibility to create more usable outdoor play environments that recognize everyone’s right to fully participate in equitable play. Inclusive play environments intentionally address the physical and social inclusion of people of all ages and abilities. PlayCore is proud to partner with leading experts, Utah State University’s Center for Persons with Disabilities, to help communities provide meaningful, healthy play opportunities for everyone.